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Showing posts from October, 2018


1.  Be silent - in the heat of      anger. 2.  Be silent - when you don't      have all the facts. 3.  Be silent - when you      haven't verified the story. 4.   Be silent - if your words      will offend a weaker Person. 5.  Be silent - when it is time      to listen. 6.  Be silent - when you are      tempted to make light of      holy things. 7.  Be silent - when you are      tempted to joke about  sin. 8.  Be silent - if you would be      ashamed of your word  later. 9.  Be silent - if your words      would convey the wrong      impression. 10. Be silent - if the issue is       none of your business. 11. Be silent - when you are       tempted to tell an  outright lie. 12. Be silent - if your words       will damage someone  else's reputation. 13. Be silent - if your words       will damage a friendship. 14. Be silent - when you are       feeling critical. 15. Be silent - if you can't       say it without screaming. 16. Be silent - if


  Don’t shout at your        wife when you are        talking. It really        hurts her.        Proverbs 15:1   Do not speak evil        of her to anyone.        Your wife will become        who you call her.       Gen. 2:19   Do not share her love       or affection with another       woman.       It is called Adultery.       Matt. 5:28   Never compare your        wife to another woman.        If the other woman was        good for you, God would        have given her to you.       2 Cor. 10:12   Be gentle and        accommodating. She        has sacrificed so much        to be with you.        It hurts her deeply        when you are hash        and irritating.        Be tender.        Eph. 4:2   Hide nothing from her.        You are now one and        she’s your helpmate.        Let there be no secret        you are keeping        from her.        Gen. 2:25   Do not make negative        comment about her        body. She risked her  

Which among these did you practice when you were young?

1) Dip the bread in the tea? 2) Mix the entire white rice and stew before eating. 3) Crack a bone and suck out the marrow. 4) Don't eat the meat until you finish the food. 5) Showing everyone your new underwear. 6) Beg for a sweet which your friend has licked. 7) Playing in the rain. 8) Licking the plate with your tongue. 9) Walking bare footed and holding your new shoes for everyone to see. 10) Wearing two shirts or shorts (packing) so you don't feel the pain much when caned in school. 11) Chew gum, put it behind your ears and chew it again the next day. 12) Mix gari and sugar in your pocket and chew on your way to school. Remember your past. It is very important! Never forget your childhood days. Spread dis and see  the funny replies u get bck.  Please be sincere 😄😃😀